Through our Christian Education offerings we support teaching, learning, sharing and living the teachings of the Bible.
Children’s Sunday School – We are using the Whirl Curriculum for Kind.-6th Grade from Sparkhouse.
Confirmation -Two year instruction on the Lutheran faith for our Junior High age youth. Classes are Wednesday with other partner congregations and following Sunday worship with our own congregation students.
Youth Group – Adult-led discussions of topics for today’s Youth and what the Bible says to help us be right with God, our parents, and friends. There are also annual summer trips for service and mission activities and to gather with other Lutheran youth from around the state and country.
Sunday Adult Forums – provided throughout the church year for bible study and to cover topics related to our emphasis on mission and issues facing our church and community.
Adult Bible and Book Studies – lay led groups that utilize the Book of Faith series and the writings of other recognized Bible and theological scholars. Groups form at different times and meet at the church on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and Saturday mornings and they also meet a various congregation member homes on other days.
Church Library – provides resources and other materials on topics that may serve individuals at specific times in their lives.