The Men’s Ministry encourages all men to become more involved and help in service to God, our church, and our community.  The Men’s Ministry is open to all male members of Lord of Love. 

Men’s Breakfast Saturday Mornings at 7AM

The men’s group meets at 7AM for a Bible study and breakfast each Saturday in the Fellowship Hall. Breakfast is followed by Christian study and fellowship until 8AM. Plenty of food and seating is always available. We invite all men to come join us for food, study, and fellowship.

Each year the Men’s Ministry engage in a variety of study and service activities. These include: setting up for fellowship events, preparing for Sunday coffee, 24 hour Easter prayer vigil, NHRA drag racing trip, construction of Baptismal boxes, men’s softball, church clean-up days, youth group support, and financial support for Tanzania, seminary students, and Project Hope.

The Men’s Ministry vision is to grow in size and commitment, to reach out to more men, and expand involvement in the life of the congregation.  This includes the possibility of monthly/bi-monthly fellowship events (both service and fun), hosting of an inter-denominational men’s event, additional Bible Study groups, and more.