Lord of Love has many on-going programs that provide opportunities for personal growth and service.  We invite people to share in the ministries for which they have a passion or feel specifically called. Review the ministries below and see how you can get involved.

Many of our ministries are aligned with the administrative responsibilities of our church council.

– Sunday school, Youth, Adult Education, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation, Library
Fellowship – Congregation events, Sunday Coffee, Aged to Perfection Lunches, Wednesday night suppers, Summer breakfasts, Adult Christian Fellowship
Member Care – Prayer Chain, Funerals, Wellness Activities (Tai Chi), Faith Partners

Worship Planning – Plan worship services, music, choir, worship visuals, worship bulletin
Worship Support – Altar Care, Liturgists, Communion Servers, Ushers, Bell Ringers, Greeters, Nursery, Music staff, music equipment maintenance

Invitation and Welcome
– Visitor Follow-up, Communications (Love Letter, Web site, bulletin announcements), advertising, signage, media outreach
Mission – Mission offering funds, mission work (such as Loads of Love), community garden, international mission work

– New member orientation/sponsors, stewardship campaign, time and talents sheets/spiritual gifts inventory
Property – Building and equipment maintenance, Lawn care and landscaping, snow removal, clean-up days, custodial staff, major improvements/renovations, furnishings, building insurance, music equipment, sound system

Vision and Coordination
Personnel and administration
– Staff (Pastor, Secretary, Youth Director), Records, History, Synod communications, Constitution/By-Laws, Endowment, Nominating, Policy, Youth Safety
Financial matters – Audit, counters, Memorials, budgeting, employee benefits