We invite you to intentionally participate in this time for remembrance and reflection on the incredible gift God has given us. Whether at home or at the church, set-aside a specific time during this vigil to connect with God and thank Him for all He has done for us.
There are a variety of resources available for your praying time. These include the Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship (ELW), Luther Seminary devotions, and other devotional prayer aids of your choosing.
Individual’s participate in the Easter Prayer Vigil in 30 minute time slots from 8:00 pm Friday, April 18, until 9:00 am Saturday, April 19.
Schedule your prayer time using the Sign Up form.
Prayer Vigil Schedule Listing
Because we don’t ask for an email address, we are unable to send you a confirmation of your participation reservation. Please refer to the schedule listing below and/or add a reminder to your own calendar regarding your prayer time.
NOTE – The participant listing may take 5-10 minutes to reflect recent entries.
This list shows the individual signed up for each prayer time.
If you signed up and do not see your name listed or need to change your scheduled time, please contact Deb Lund.