The Church Council is the governing body of Lord of Love. This body provides general direction for the programs of the congregation and makes decisions to support on-going operations of the congregation. Council Members serve for 2 years with one-half of the members elected by the congregation at a semi-annual meeting each November. Church Council members are officially installed during a church service in early January of each year.  An a organizing retreat is held in January to help with plan overall council activities and focus for the coming year. The Church Council convenes monthly, usually at 7PM the 3rd Tuesday of the month, for official business meetings.

2024 Lord of Love Church Council

Vision and Coordination

Don Rowen, President; Paul Christensen, Vice-President;
Kathy Christiansen, Secretary; Doug Armitage, Treasurer
Personnel and administration – Staff (Pastor, Secretary, Youth Director), Records, History, Synod communications, Constitution/By-Laws, Endowment, Nominating, Policy, Youth Safety
Financial matters – Audit, counters, Memorials, budgeting, employee benefits


Heather van Arsdale, Samantha Rowen
Education – Sunday school, Youth, Adult Education, VBS, Confirmation,  Library, Youth Support Team
Fellowship – Congregation events, Sunday Coffee, Aged to Perfection Lunches, Wednesday night suppers, Summer breakfasts, Adult Christian Fellowship
Member Care – Prayer Chain, Funerals, Wellness Activities (Tai Chi)


Kim Gust, Chris Rich
Invitation and Welcome – Visitor Follow-up, Communications (Love Letter, Web site, bulletin announcements), advertising, signage, media outreach
Mission – Mission offering funds, mission work (Loads of Love, Habitat, pantry, etc), Pantry/shelter offerings, garden project, International mission work


Brandon Hansen, Kenn Garder
Stewardship – New member orientation/sponsors, stewardship campaign, time and talents sheets/spiritual gifts inventory
Property – Building and equipment maintenance, Lawn care and landscaping, snow removal, clean-up days, custodial staff, major improvements/renovations, furnishings, building insurance, music equipment, sound system


Amy Kragnes, Judy Egr
Worship Planning – Plan worship services, music, choir, worship visuals, worship bulletin
Worship Support – Altar Care, Liturgists, Communion Servers, Ushers, Bell Ringers, Greeters, Nursery, Music staff, music equipment maintenance

Lay Ministry Leaders

Women of Love: Rose Roberts
LOL Women of Love support the total ministry at Lord of Love.  Lord of Love women participate in local, synodical, and church-wide activities (Women of the ELCA).

Men’s Ministry: Paul Christenson
The Men’s Ministry is open to all male members of Lord of Love.    The Men’s Ministry encourages all men to become more involved and help in service to God, our church, and our community.