Sunday Worship – 9AM
All are invited to join us for worship each Sunday at 9AM. We have a liturgical worship style with lots of music and Holy Communion every Sunday. A time for fellowship and education follow the worship service.
See our Worship Videos page to watch the streamed worship service.
Nursery assistance is now available every Sunday.
Uncomfortable attending worship in-person? Check out our Worship videos page to watch our streamed worship services.
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The Power of Prayer
Prayer allows us to have conversation with God and to feel God’s presence surround us.
Prayer gives us moments in our day to share with God our praise, our frustrations, and our concerns. Frequent prayer helps us to keep connected with God as the focus of our lives. The prayer chain at Lord of Love is a service to all of our members. Please contact Mary Lou in the church office (402-493-2946) with your prayer requests or to become a member of the prayer chain.
Saved Through Faith
Martin Luther struggled with the church’s teaching that he earned his forgiveness of sin and justification before God through his works as a monk. Instead, he found a greater and deeper understanding that God’s grace is what justifies us. In celebration and response to the gift of grace, God invites us to live lives of love and perform acts of service.
ELCA Mission Investment Fund
The ELCA Mission Investment Fund provides investment opportunities to ELCA members, congregations, and ministries. The fund, in turn, provides loans and supporting services to congregations and ELCA-supporting ministries that help further the work of the church. For more information, visit the Mission Investment Fund’s web site at ELCA.org. Click on Mission Investment Fund link at the bottom of the page. Or call 877.886.3522 and request a packet of with information about MIF investments.