“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13
Donation Focus This Month
February 2025 is Loads of Love Diaper month. Bring any brand of diapers to church any Sunday in February. Diaper sizes 2, 3, and 4 generally are very appreciated, and sizes 5 and 6 are very much in need.
NOTE: Gently used children’s books are a big hit with the families we serve and may be donated at any time.
See all of our monthly donation focuses below.
Distribution Events
We hold distribution events about 3 times per year. Our next event is in the planning stages. Our last event was November 9, 2024. Find out more about these events and register to help.
“Loads of Love” Laundry and Paper Goods Ministry
This outreach program was started in 2019 to distribute items typically not available in food pantries to those in need. We provide laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, shampoo/conditioner and deodorant to as many households as we can with each event. The need for these items continues to be great within our community.
This ministry is successful because of significant support by the members of Lord of Love. We thank everyone who has donated money, supplies, or time for this program.

Watch a video about our outreach ministry program prepared by the ELCA Nebraska Synod the summer of 2024.
How can you help?
Volunteer! Help set-up for the event, direct people into the church building, register the guest’s family size and zip code, walk with the guest as they obtain the items and return to their vehicle. Other volunteers stand behind the item tables and restock them as necessary. Volunteers need to arrive by 8AM to help prepare for the start of the event. Sign-up to help using this simple form today!
Donate: Needed products can be brought any Sunday and place it in the donation boxes available in the church narthex. Check out the donation focus items by month lower on this page.
Financial gifts in support of Loads of Love help us purchase items in bulk. Just designate Loads of Love in the memo line of your check. You can also select Loads of Love in our mobile giving app or through our online giving page.
Apply for a Thrivent Gift Card. These gift cards help us purchase specific products during our monthly product appeal events. If you are a Thrivent member, you can apply for two (2) gift cards every year. Coordinate your Thrivent Gift Card using the sign-up sheet in the Narthex at church.
Thank you to everyone who donates and/or volunteers to help with this important ministry to our neighbors in need.
Monthly Donation Focus:
Diapers are always in demand at distribution events and the sizes 4,5, and 6 are the most requested are sizes. Any brand or type of diapers are accepted any time, any month!
2025 Monthly Focus
February 2025 – Diapers – any brand or type – sizes 5 and 6 are in big demand
January 2025 – Laundry Soap – any brand
2024 Monthly Focus
December 2024 – Bar Soap – any brand
November 2024 – Deodorant – any brand
October – Shampoo/Conditioner
September – Toothpaste – any brand or type
August – Toilet Paper
July – Paper Towels – any brand
June – Diapers – any brand and size
May – Laundry Detergent – any brand – This is one of our most welcomed items.
April – Bar Soap – any brand
March – Deodorant – any brand
February – Shampoo/Conditioner
January – Toothpaste – any brand or type
2023 Monthly Focus
December – Toilet Paper
November – Paper Towels
October – Diapers – any brand and size
September – Laundry Soap
November 9 Event Volunteers
Latest distribution event – Saturday, November 9 beginning at 8:30AM.
Distribution continues until all of our items have been distributed (usually before 10AM.)
Thank You! for signing up with this simple form (takes less than 1 minute to provide your name and contact email) or contact Kathy C or Paula F to let them know you plan to help. Volunteers help set-up for the event, direct people into the church building, register the guest’s family size and zip code, walk with the guest as they obtain the items and return to their vehicle. Other volunteers stand behind the item tables and restock them as necessary.
Volunteers need to arrive by 8AM to help prepare for the start of the event.
Event Volunteers
Distribution Event History
Latest distribution event was Saturday, November 9. We served 220 families representing over 1,000 individuals.
Our July 27 distribution event was very successful because of the many volunteers who helped with the event. We served 238, a record number of families at this distribution, which represented 1,081 individuals. We continue to give thanks for the many blessings and gifts that our congregation shares with the community and the amazing support of this ministry.
Info from Saturday, April 13 distribution event
With the help of over 21 volunteers we served 200 families the morning of April 13. This represents 912 individuals from a variety of zip codes in the metro area. The distribution went very smoothly, however we had to turn away approximately 50 families because we had depleted our supplies. Most individuals continue to hear about the event from Facebook or friends/family. Thanks to everyone for your very generous support of the obviously needed ministry.
At our Saturday November 4 distribution event we served 189 families representing 916 individuals! Thanks to the 25 people who volunteered and all those who donated to make for another successful event.
Info from event on Saturday, July 15
Men’s Ministry members arrived around 6:30am to find several individuals already in line to receive a Loads of Love sack. The line continued for the next 3 hours.
157 families representing 701 individuals were served by 25 volunteers. We reached people beyond our local zip codes, including into Iowa and outstate Nebraska. Most heard about the event from friends or family or Facebook. Even when we may not speak the same language, the recipients’ appreciation was frequently expressed and easily understood.
November 2023 – 25 volunteers served 189 families representing 916 individuals!
July 2023 – 25 volunteers served 157 families representing 701 individuals.
April 2023 – Served 154 families representing 731 individuals.
November 2022 – Provided items to 205 families (976 individuals)
July 2022 – Served 207 families, consisting of 880 individuals with the gracious help of 20+ volunteers!
March 2022 – Provided items to 150 families representing 689 individuals.
November 2021 – Volunteers filled bags on October 30. Experienced an overwhelming level of need. 200 bags of goods were distributed plus many additional bundles of diapers and wipes.
June 2021 – 196 bags distributed helping meet the needs of 859 of our neighbors! 12 volunteers packed almost 200 bags in 40 minutes. Each bag contained a roll of paper towels, 4 rolls of toilet paper, a bottle of shampoo/conditioner, a bag of laundry pods, a tube of toothpaste, a toothbrush, deodorant, a bar of soap and a soap sack (a crocheted bag with a bar of soap inside that doubles as a washcloth [lovingly made by Julie Concannon]). A pack of diapers and baby wipes were given to young mothers.
March 2021 – Distributed 153 bags representing approx 625 individuals within 45 minutes with the help of 17 volunteers. Unfortunately many more cars remained in line when we ran out of items to distribute. 14 volunteers packed 150 bags with laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes, a soap sac, shampoo/conditioner and deodorant.