Love Letter / e-News
“The Love Letter” is our email newsletter, is published weekly on Saturday and other times with important information.
Current editing team: Charise Adams, Brian and Deb Lund, Kim Gust
Articles for each issue are due by Thursday of each week for the issue to generally be published Saturday evening.
Have an article for the next issue? Please send the information to the church office to include in the weekly bulletin and we will include it in the e-news as well. You can send to the church office, Pastor Becky, and the Love Letter Editors using
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Trunk or Treat at Lord of Love – Sunday, Oct 27 – 3-4:30PM
Join us for this fun event in our church parking lot on Sunday, October 27 from 3 to 4:30PM. Decorate your self and your trunk to provide treats to our neighbors.
Want to participate? Please sign up in the narthex.
Unable to attend, but want to help? Please place any candy donations in the box located in the narthex.
Thanks and Boo-tiful Halloween!
Blessing of the Quilts and Thankoffering – Sunday, Oct 27
When you spend time creating something to give away, it’s often an act of love for a specific loved one. But the quilters here and at many other churches around the country never know who will receive their gift.
We know some things. In 2023, 194,983 quilts were distributed around the world. We know that on quilt delivery days, people arrive early and wait for hours to get a quilt. Some of them will be used for a bed. Some will be used as a door or wall in a shelter.
We know that Nebraska quilters answered a call from Dana Village to make quilts to give to the young adults aging out of foster care who live there. We know from someone who was there that the young people were so excited about these quilts that they draped them around their shoulders and wore them, letting these gifts of love hug them.
On Reformation Day, October 27, we will all pray over the quilts that we have made this year, and send them off with blessings and love packed with them in the boxes. We welcome help packing up all our quilts immediately after the service.
October 27 is also Women’s Thankoffering Day, when we receive the offerings that we give throughout the year in thanksgiving for the many gifts God has given us. The churchwide Women of the ELCA will use the offerings to support their many ministries and outreach programs in areas such as human trafficking awareness and racial justice advocacy. Please bring your Thankofferings on October 27. There will be envelopes available by the collection plate. There will be a time in the service to bring your offering to the altar; or you can just drop in the offering plate. Thanks for your continued support in these missions.