We’d love for you to be involved in our ministries and mission at Lord of Love! Many opportunities for involvement are described below. To find current calls for volunteers and event invitations, see the News & Events page or The Love Letter, our monthly newsletter.

Worship Servants
Worship takes coordination and support from our worshipping members in a variety of ways. You can help serve our congregation on Sunday mornings as a greeter, usher, assisting minister (liturgist), communion server, altar care assistant, or nursery attendant. (Currently, the nursery is staffed during only the 10:30 a.m. worship service.)

Music Ministry
Music is an important part of worship at Lord of Love. Share your musical talents to enhance worship by singing with the chancel choir, playing in the handbell choir, playing with the brass, or providing special music as an individual or in a small group. Find out more by visiting our Sharing Our Musical Gifts page.

Christian Education
Through Christian education, we aim to grow the faith of everyone at Lord of Love, from the young to the not so young. Share your knowledge and experience with others by teaching Sunday school each week or serving as a substitute, leading an adult forum on a topic you are passionate about, leading a Bible or book study for a small group, helping with Luther Kids, or being a Confirmation mentor. In addition, during the summer, we need volunteers in several areas to make Vacation Bible School a success.

Families that play together stay together, and our church family loves to play. Congregation fellowship events often center around food and include potluck luncheons, congregational picnics, and pie fests. During the program year, we have Sunday coffee and donuts, and Wednesday night suppers, and during the summer, we have summer breakfasts on Sunday mornings. We also have events specifically for middle school and high school youth, and we have Adult Christian Fellowship events for adults of all ages. If you enjoy planning or participating in fellowship activities, you’re invited to be involved!

Youth Ministry
Youth in middle school and high school gather each month for service and fellowship opportunities. They serve Easter breakfast to the congregation each year, volunteer at the annual Fall Festival, and serve meals at the Sienna Francis House. They also have lock-ins, sledding parties, and game nights, and attend state and national youth gatherings.

Women’s Ministry
Our Women of the ELCA group, Women of Love, engages the women of our church in supporting the total ministry at Lord of Love. The women are involved in local activities as well as synodical and church-wide activities. Some of their local activities include their secret angel program, in which participants are given the name of another woman to pray for and encourage throughout the year with cards and small gifts); Crane coffee fellowship; God’s Daughters potluck luncheon; Gather Bible studies; Fall Festival dinner and silent (or not-so-silent) auction; goodie containers for elderly, shut-ins, and those with special needs; and quilting and prayer shawl ministries.

Men’s Ministry
Our men’s group gathers every Saturday morning for breakfast, Bible study, and fellowship. They also play in a softball league each spring and summer, build Baptismal boxes for everyone being baptized at Lord of Love, and help congregation or community members with yard work, cleaning, and even moving, to name a few of their activities. The men’s group also participates in the national Lutheran Men in Mission organization associated with the ELCA.

Community Garden
Each spring and summer, the Lord of Love Community Garden bears thousands of pounds of vegetables that we donate to area Lutheran pantries and Table Grace Café. If you have a green thumb or just like to get your hands dirty, volunteers are needed each year to help till, plant, weed, water, and harvest. We hope to have bountiful crops to help feed the hungry.
Find out more on our Community Garden page.

Loads of Love
This program was started in 2019 to distribute items typically not available in food pantries to those in need. We provide laundry soap, toilet paper, paper towels, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, shampoo/conditioner and deodorant to as many households as we can with each event. Find out more on our Loads of Love page.

Habitat for Humanity
Lord of Love has a long history of supporting Habitat for Humanity. Each year, we work with the Ecumenical Labor Force (also known as the ELF Coalition), a group of about ten churches, to build a home here in Omaha. Volunteers are needed each weekend from approximately May through October to build the house, and there are opportunities for all skill levels. If you have construction skills to share or if you want to learn a particular skill, your help is always welcome. If you don’t consider yourself handy, then you can still be involved by preparing and serving lunch and snacks to the workers on the weekends when Lord of Love “hosts ” the Habitat for Humanity build.

Special Offerings and Projects
Our Lord of Love Mission Possible Team works hard to make plans for our mission dollars and our special offering funds. Projects change seasonally. In 2016, our special offerings during Lent and Easter, including from our Lenten soup suppers, went to the Food Bank of the Heartland and the ELCA Lenten Hunger Response. The Mission Possible Team has designated the 2016 summer breakfast proceeds to the ELCA Lutheran Disaster Response. If you have a passion for mission, you can join the Mission Possible Team or participate with the congregation in supporting mission projects throughout the year.