Lord of Love Constitution
Adopted at November 11, 2018 Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting
The adopted changes affect the By Laws of the congregation only.  These changes addressed creation of a Finance Committee to oversee financial matters of the congregation and redefined the responsibilities of the Endowment Committee. Other minor changes relating to procedures used for establishing the Nominating Committee.

Adopted at February 11, 2018 Semi-Annual Congregation Meeting
The adopted changes primarily involved those required by the ELCA.  In general, the changes were wording updates to reflect consolidation of ministry into two categories;  Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Ministers of Word and Service. This is the version of the constitution reviewed and registered with the Nebraska Synod of the ELCA.

Lord of Love Safety Plan
Initial Draft, August, 2018
The purpose of this manual is to provide everyone at Lord of Love a single resource for basic safety information.
The content is based on research into best safety practices as discovered by the Christian Education Network of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.)

Spiritual Gifts Survey
Each member is invited to take an online Spiritual Gifts survey to help you think about what gifts God has given to you.
The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to take.
To take the survey go to: http://elca.org/Our-Work/Congregations-and-Synods/Faith-Practices/Spiritual-Renewal/Assessment-Tools.
This is NOT a test or assessment of your level of faith or to evaluate how good a Christian you may be.
It IS an opportunity for self-reflection and awareness about what the Spirit might be up to in your life.
It will reflect the areas of service you already do and ways that you may utilize the gifts you have been given.

Luther Seminary
Congregation Resources – http://www.luthersem.edu/resources/default.asp

Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago
Resources –  https://www.lstc.edu/about/resources
We Talk. We Listen – Conversations about Diversity – https://wetalkwelisten.wordpress.com/

Congregational Resource Guide – http://www.congregationalresources.org/

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service – http://www.lirs.org/InfoRes/Congregation/index.htm