NOTE: Our weekly worship will take place outdoors on Saturday, October 12 at 6PM.
There will NOT be a Sunday worship service on October 13th.
Check out the article about our Campfire Meal and Worship for more information.

Sunday Worship – 9AM

See our Worship Videos page to watch the streamed worship service.

Everyone is invited to participate in worship. Worship services are in-person and either live streamed or recorded and posted later the same day.
Uncomfortable attending worship in-person? See our Worship videos page to watch our streamed worship services.
Nursery assistance is now available every Sunday.

Bring your own camp chairs for fellowship and a camp-style worship service.
5-6 pm – Meal (Roast your own hot dog, or eat what is provided!)
6 pm – Camp-Style Worship Service led by Carol Joy Holling Staff Member
After worship we end our night with some tasty camp desserts, like s’mores cooked over the fire!

Join us for this fun event in our church parking lot on Sunday, October 27 from 3 to 4:30PM. Decorate your self and your trunk to provide treats to our neighbors.

Want to participate? Please sign up in the narthex.
Unable to attend, but want to help? Please place any candy donations in the box located in the narthex.
Thanks and Boo-tiful Halloween!

Celebration of Life service for Betty Thompson (mother of Beth Olson) was at 1PM Friday, October 11 at Lord of Love.
This service was livecast. To access, see our worship video page.
A dessert reception in the fellowship hall followed the service.

Endowment Fund: Now accepting Grant Applications until Oct 31

Grant Applications are now being accepted until October 31st.
Anyone can apply for a grant on behalf of an organization. Individuals may also encourage folks within an organization to apply for a grant. Find out more on the Endowment Fund page. Brochures with detailed information are also available on the information shelf in the Narthex.

Lord of Love began an endowment fund in 1988. The purpose is to provide a means for receiving financial gifts, large and small; and to enhance the mission of Lord of Love apart from Lord of Love’s general operating budget. Once the fund reached $50,000, interest on the principal has been used to award grants totaling over $60,000 the last 15 years. The principal fluctuates with the market and is invested in the ELCA Endowment Fund Pooled Trust. The current value is over $120,000, so we anticipate that we can award grants totaling about $6,000 this year.

Nursing Student, Julieth Frandur Nsuri
Julieth Frandur Nsuri is one of the Tanzanian nursing students that Lord of Love has been supporting through our Endowment Fund. Saturday, September 14, 2024 was Graduation Day in Machame. Julieth was among the graduates and received the prize for top academic performance among all the graduates! We expect Julieth to go on and touch thousands of patients and families during her career. In this way Lord of Love is touching thousands of lives in Africa.
Read Julieth’s Thank You Letter.

“Loads of Love” Laundry and Paper Goods Ministry

Our next Loads of Love event is November 9th beginning at 8:30AM.
Please see our Loads of Love page for more information and to register to volunteer.

September: toothpaste month
Note that you can give any of these items anytime throughout the year.
The Loads of Love donation box is in the narthex.
Cash donations are welcome, then we purchase the needed products for you. Giving by check? Designate “Loads of Love” in the memo line.
Give via our online giving page or mobile app and select “Loads of Love”
Thank you to all who generously give items or financial support of this much needed ministry!
August: Toilet Paper
July: Paper Towels – any brand
June: Diapers are some of the most appreciated items by young families.
May: Laundry Detergent – Any brand or type of laundry detergent
April: Bar Soap – Any brand or type of bar soap
March: Deodorant – Any brand or type deodorant.
February: Shampoo/Conditioner – Any brand or type of shampoo/conditioner.
January: Toothpaste – Any brand or type of toothpaste.
December: Toilet Paper
November: Paper Towels
October: Diapers – Always very popular. Sizes 4,5, and 6 are most requested.

Women’s Gather Bible Study

Gather Bible Studies are held monthly during the school year. You can check out the bible study materials using the church’s copy of the Gather Magazine. This is available in the library on the round table just outside the church office.
Monday Studies are generally held the first Monday at 6PM at Rose Robert’s. A light supper is served, so please RSVP to Rose if you plan to attend
This year the monthly Wednesday evening Gather Bible study group is going to meet every other month on a Saturday morning to go over two Bible studies at a time. The first session was Saturday, September 28, from 9-10:45 am in the Paul Conference Room, when we’ll go through both September and October Bible studies. All women are welcome!

The Quilting group meets on the first & third Tuesday of each month. There are opportunities available if you would like to work at home. Please visit with Ann Kroll if you have any questions.

The “Blessing of the Quilts” will be on Sunday, October 27th during worship before they are packed & shipped off to Lutheran World Relief. Thank Offerings will be collected that same morning to support the many ministries and outreach programs of the women’s churchwide group.

NE Women of the ELCA 2024 Autumn Renewal will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Grand Island on Saturday, October 12, 2024. The theme will be “Cultivating Love Through Grace”. More info & registration forms are on the Women’s Board or here on the NE Women of ELCA website. Questions can be directed to Gwen Edwards.

If you’ve ever taken care of a chronically ill spouse or elderly parent, you know how stressful and exhausting it can be. If you’re living through the experience right now, you might be feeling overwhelmed or even at a breaking point—even if you love the person you’re caring for very much. Providing this type of care can place a great deal of pressure on a person, and caregivers are often surprised by the amount of stress they experience. Many caregivers have trouble taking care of their own needs as they provide so much care for the needs of others. Whether you feel guilty for taking time out for yourself, or if you just feel like you don’t have the time to take, consider this perspective: If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t have anything left to give. Being in the position of being a caregiver usually carries some heavy responsibility and sometimes scary situations.

Some ways to lessen the stress include staying connected to others, finding some social support or a person to talk with about your feelings. Accept help from others, even if they don’t “do it the way I do” You need a break! Find some time to be alone, even if it is for 10 to 15 minutes, again you need a break! Stay Spiritually Grounded, studies show having faith helps immensely with stress relief, your health and being more satisfied with life. Take care of yourself, eat well, get adequate sleep, and find some time to relax.

Did you know that the Nebraska legislature passed “The Caregiver Tax Credit” which takes effect in January 2025? Nebraska is the second state in the union to adopt this expansive tax credit for caregivers. Contact the Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging or AARP to find out more. Pamphlets for Family Caregiver Resource Guide and Nebraska Caregiver Tax Credit are in the Faith Partners Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall.

Information for this article came from Elizabeth Scott PhD from VeryWellMind and AARP.

Harvesting continues in the Lord of Love garden, but is slowing down.
We’re still getting some green beans and lots of tomatoes and peppers.
The regular gardening times are 8:30-9:30 am on Mondays and Thursdays, but we start earlier with the hot temperatures. All are welcome to help!

The Friday Coffee Zoom is in person at 9:30AM every Friday at the Scooters on 7772 Cass St. (same place as the old Crane Coffee).
Can’t make it? Don’t worry, we will still have a Zoom going so you can join in from home.

Tai Chi – Mondays and Thursdays at 9:30AM

Tai Chi is an art embracing the mind, body and spirit.
Joan Witt leads the Tai Chi classes on Monday and Thursday mornings at 9:30AM in the fellowship hall.
The 45-minute classes include slow, gentle movements, deep breathing and meditation while sitting on chairs and/or standing. There are no pre or post assessments. Anyone can join anytime.
Questions? Please contact Joan Witt.

You are welcome to join at any time. We meet on the 4th Tuesday at 1 pm. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 24. The book to be discussed is The River We Remember by William Kent Krueger. Books may be checked out in the church office. Contact Jane Gehringer for more information. 

Men’s Bible Study – Saturdays – 7AM

Lord of Love’s men’s group and Bible study meets each Saturday in the Fellowship Hall at 7AM.
Breakfast is followed by Christian study and fellowship until 8AM. Plenty of food and seating is always available. We invite all men to come join us for food, study, and fellowship.

Endowment Fund: Enhancing our Mission

Lord of Love began an endowment fund in 1988. The purpose is to provide a means for receiving financial gifts, large and small; and to enhance the mission of Lord of Love apart from Lord of Love’s general operating budget. Once the fund reached $50,000, interest on the principal has been used to award grants totaling over $60,000 the last 15 years. The principal fluctuates with the market and is invested in the ELCA Endowment Fund Pooled Trust. The fund value is currently over $120,000, so we anticipate that we can award grants totaling about $6,000.

Grant Applications are accepted annually from September 1 until October 31st. Anyone can apply for a grant on behalf of an organization. Individuals may also encourage folks within an organization to apply for a grant. Find out more on the Endowment Fund page. Brochures with detailed information are also available on the information shelf in the Narthex.

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The Power of Prayer

Prayer allows us to have conversation with God and to feel God’s presence surround us.
Prayer gives us moments in our day to share with God our praise, our frustrations, and our concerns. Frequent prayer helps us to keep connected with God as the focus of our lives. The prayer chain at Lord of Love is a service to all of our members. Please contact Mary Lou in the church office (402-493-2946) with your prayer requests or to become a member of the prayer chain.

Saved Through Faith

Martin Luther struggled with the church’s teaching that he earned his forgiveness of sin and justification before God through his works as a monk. Instead, he found a greater and deeper understanding that God’s grace is what justifies us. In celebration and response to the gift of grace, God invites us to live lives of love and perform acts of service.

ELCA Mission Investment Fund

The ELCA Mission Investment Fund provides investment opportunities to ELCA members,  congregations, and ministries. The fund, in turn, provides loans and supporting services to congregations and ELCA-supporting ministries that help further the work of the church.  For more information, visit the Mission Investment Fund’s web site at Click on Mission Investment Fund link at the bottom of the page. Or call 877.886.3522 and request a packet of with information about MIF investments.

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