Readiness to Return to Activities Survey
The Church Council continues to monitor conditions that would allow us to return to worship and other in-person church activities. Our overall interest is to keep those who are most at risk safe from the virus.
Regardless of when we may return to worship at the church, the church council is committed to continuing online worship services. This provides an ongoing worship option for those who may be unable or unwilling to participate in person.
A set of guidelines has been developed as reasonable efforts to provide for the safety of all families and individuals that participate in in-person worship at Lord of Love Lutheran Church.
Your survey responses provide additional input into the council’s overall decision making process.
View the results from the survey:
Survey Summary Part 1
Survey Summary Part 2

Read the guidelines for in-person worship.
The church council has also approved guidelines for in-person group activities at the church. These guidelines have the same goal; keeping our members and others who come to our church safe. Review these guidelines as well.

Readiness to Return to Activities Survey.
No Longer accepting new responses.
Please complete the survey only if you are a member of Lord of Love.
Multiple members of a family can complete the survey separately.