At Lord of Love, we have educational programs for all ages, both on Sunday mornings and during the week. Our regular program year runs from September through May. The last day of Sunday School is generally the Sunday before Memorial Day weekend.

Sunday School
Sundays during the school year at 9:15 a.m.

Classes for children 3 years old through 6th grade
In our preschool Sunday School class, we focus on Bible stories. Children learn Bible stories from The Beginner’s Bible: Timeless Children’s Stories, do craft projects, and engage in play with their peers.

In kindergarten through 4th grade, we use Whirl Lectionary Sunday School curriculum by Sparkhouse, a division of Augsburg Fortress. Whirl provides Scripture-based lessons with engaging animations that help kids relate the Bible to their lives.

In 5th and 6th grades, we use Connect curriculum by Sparkhouse. Connect engages preteens in God’s big story through videos, Bible exploration, and hands-on projects.

We have Sunday school every single Sunday throughout the program year. On holidays, all of the classes meet as one large group for an activity or craft.

Class for 7th and 8th graders
In our middle school class, we use Faith Inkubators’ Head to the Heart (H2H) adolescent confirmation ministry program. H2H helps revolutionize confirmation from lecture/classroom to the very best relational/experiential model of confirmation. H2H combines current life with Biblical truths. It features art, music, skits, and gameshows, while building lasting caring relationships at church.

Youth Group
Right now this involves 7th-12th graders. They meet once a month for an extra activity.

Adult Forum/Study
This is happening online on Thursdays at 7pm
Adult forums are offered on Thursday evenings and cover topics related to our emphasis on education, mission, and various other topics about how we live out our faith. Sometimes this is a Bible Study, or a book study too. To find out what we are studying at the moment, feel free to email to get the link and find the topic.

Women’s Gather Bible Studies
There are currently being offered online.
The Women of the ELCA at Lord of Love have two groups that meet each month “”one on the first Monday of the month and one on the first Wednesday of the month “”for Bible study using the Gather magazine’s study series.

Confirmation (7th and 8th grades)
Wednesdays at 6:45-7:45 p.m.
Confirmation classes are held most Wednesdays of the school year and are led by the pastor. Adult mentors engage the students in more in-depth discussion of lesson topics. Sunday School sessions (discussed above) come from the same material and are an extension of Wednesday night education that takes place.

Men’s Ministry
Saturdays at 7:00 a.m.
Every Saturday morning, the men of the church gather for breakfast, worship/study, discussion, and fellowship.

Vacation Bible School
*Last year (Summer of 2020), we were unable to have it due to COVID-19, but the year before we had VBS in conjunction with our neighbors at Northwest Hills, which if all goes well, this would be our plan this year too, for 4 yr olds-5th graders.