At Lord of Love we follow the basic pattern of Lutheran worship: we gather, we hear God’s word, we share a meal at the Lord ‘s Table, and we are sent into the world to be Christ to others. Worship is a time for us to listen, pray, confess, receive forgiveness, and praise God. In worship, we encounter God, who saves us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
There is one Sunday worship at 9AM.
At 10:15AM there are fellowship and youth and adult Christian education opportunities, including bible study, forums, and discussion groups.
Read more about these special church year season services
Advent and Christmas
Holy Week and Easter
Worship Support
Liturgy literally means “the work of the people”.
Worship takes coordination and support of worshipping members in a variety of ways, including:
Greeters – welcome people into God’s house and our church community
Ushers – hand out worship materials, assist worshippers in finding seating, collect the offering and provide various types of assistance throughout the worship service
Assisting Minister (liturgist) – is a layer person who leads the people in various portions of the liturgy, reads the lessons and prayers for the day
Communion Servers – assist the pastor and assisting minister during Holy Communion
Altar Care – prepares the worship space each Sunday by tending to the paraments, banners, candles. Prepares wine and bread and assists behind the scenes at Holy Communion.
Musicians – support the musical praise and offerings of each service